To get rid of Josephine, Caroline, Napoleon’s sister, arranged for him to take a mistress…

… Napoleon had his first illegitimate child with Elenore Denuelle.  Caroline then brought in Marie Louise as Napoleon’s 2nd wife.

In the meantime, Caroline, married to Joachim Murat, became the Grand Duchess of Berg and Cleves.  She focused on her husband’s affairs, which unfortunately for him, included alliance with anti-Napoleonic forces.

Napoleon was not happy with Caroline and her husband trying to wipe him out.  Joachim was executed in 1815, and Caroline was exiled to the Austrian Empire.

(portrait: Caroline in 1808 or 1815; sources vary, but our call is 1808 because 1815 would have the Rococco influence, long sleeves, and much more ornamentation.  This is still the “little white dress” made fancy for court wear)