Please enjoy: Projects we have built & are working on. There are 6 years of research here. Our Etsy shop is alive and well: SilhouettesCostumes Etsy shop although the “for profit” business was permanently closed and taking no orders effective 2022. We are focusing on building new ensembles for our educational …
Suzi Sellers, Proprietess, is the driving force behind the business. In charge of research, design, & construction, she works with a number of independent subcontractors to provide an entire ensemble including undergarments, main dress, outer wear, and accessories. Shelly Jackson, Milliner, provides historically accurate and superbly constructed headwear including period …
The “Buffalo Gals” have extensively researched and authentically designed & built ensembles to meet the needs of clients needing historic interpreters. Enjoy their journey in costume and character development, and the events that follow on their individual web pages: Alex Hurst 1860 Orphan to “Mama’s Girl” Click here to …
What an amazing part you played in my amazing wedding experience. A million thanks for being so super on top of your trade – willing to take on such a challenge and for all of your attention to detail and time. You are a Master – no a Grand Master! You will forever be a part of my story and wedding memories. —- Rebecca Roseman (wait! I’m Armstrong now)
“I can’t wait to show it (the show) to the rest of my team when we get back from break. We’re going to do it in the media center, so we can show off all of the kids at the same time. Thank you ma’am! I appreciate you my wonderfully talented costume maker/seamstress!” — Dr. Anderson
Click here to see the Powder Springs Project as we get the research posted (coming soon)!
“I really even hate to call it a costume because Suzi’s work is the real deal. This is clothing that will last you for a lifetime, not some Halloween costume. Her work is impeccable and she really works with you to get things right and understand what it is you are wanting. Thank you Suzi, your work is so beautiful! You do soooo much with your research and sharing that is priceless. I for one, appreciate what you do. ”
“We tipped a cup of tea for freedom to you today. It was attended by famous suffragettes and abolitionists including Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, President Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Soujourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and the baby of the bunch – Ida B. Wells.”
Dr. Anderson teaches her students about American history in a unique way, by dressing up the school and herself for a specific time and place each year. Her authentic ensemble was a challenge to build and a joy to research as we learned from each other.
Silhouettes wants to thank this customer who has become a friend and an “honorary Buffalo Gal” as we have forged our own new paths in history.
Click here to go to Dr. Anderson’s Ida B. Wells project home page
Silhouettes is alive and well although not selling to customers, as we are focusing on building very special ensembles for the Buffalo Gals. From time to time we open our SilhouettesCostumes Etsy shop to destash extra materials and notions and costume parts or in whole. At present the shop is …