New to our shoppe are a pristine 1956 Electric Singer Model 99K with 1948 buttonholer, and a 2019 Babylock Accord! The Singer is great for corsets and stays with its strong metal parts, and the Babylock will expand our embroidery capabilities and speed up making those “9 yard petticoats”.
Fashion History Blog
The 1883 bustle was first made of..
… a straw filled cushion sewn into the skirt, with a series of steel half hoops inserted into the skirt lining all the way to the ground. This threw the skirt way out horizontally from the waist. (Sketch: Many bustles of the late 1870’s through 1880’s. Straw filled skirt with …
The slim Natural Form dresses of 1875-1883…
… actually did have structural support in the form of “trained ruffled petticoats” to help carry the weight of so much draping. For women who were not slim and tall in these years, the “Tea Gown” became a popular alternate choice. It was a flowing type of robe that was …
The 1870’s bustle can be distinguished from the 1883 by…
.. looking at the fullness in the front of the dress. With the 1870’s style of bustle (or “tournure”), the drapery hanging over the bustle went almost completely down the front, or had the apron effect of draping. As it evolved the front drape became more a part of the …
The 1870’s “1st Bustle” started from…
… French designers intentionally to create something as different from the crinoline as they could get, and to take advantage of the cheap and abundant fabrics and trims. By draping techniques, designers pull the large amounts of fabric previously used in the huge round skirt and pulled it to the …
The hairstyle will tell you whether it’s an early or late bustle…
.. Hair in the 1870’s was soft, with ringlets and braids. It had a vertical orientation and was piled vertically high to hold the bonnet which was precariously tipped forward. It was left to fall artistically and arranged to be romantic and alluring. This was one of the biggest eras …
How to tell the difference between the 1870 & 1883 bustles..
.. is difficult, especially since there was crossover. The crossover happened largely because the new style was being introduced while most women were still wearing the old styles everywhere else. The style was definitely and intentionally being initiated by fashion designers in France. 1) Check the shape of the structure. …
The little front Apron drape of 1883…
.. would disappear as the 1880’s progressed. (Photos: extant 1883 with front drapes (left) vs the new smooth line of 1885-86 (right))
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Our commercial email address often gets spammed. For that reason, we duplicate sending responses to your inquiries from an aol account too. If you have sent an information request through our web pages or via email, look for a response in 1 day. If you do not hear from us, …
The new bustle dress of the early 1880’s…
.. with its very fitted bodice had a Princess line meaning it was cut in long panels from top to bottom. The front overall was much flatter because of the panels. What drapery there was, went to the front and hung like a tidy apron. (Photo: extant early 1880’s cuirasse …