Mary LaVenture, Corsetier

Mary is an independent contractor who provides depth of experience in theatrical, historical, & performing arts to Silhouettes.  She works as advisor in the fitting & structuring of undergarments, as she has a unique intuitive ability to look at a person and know what to do to make her beautiful.

A Civil War re-enactor herself, and having designed & built garments for Disney worldwide for over 25 years, Mary has unique skills in draped & flat pattern design, and in-depth knowledge of materials, fabrics, notions for all historical eras.

Mary has been Costume Director of “Pageant of the Masters” in Laguna Beach, California for over 20 years.  The “Pageant” is a unique, “theatrical journey through centuries of unforgettable art”, where paintings come alive in on-stage reproduction with real performers & creative costumes.


Mary (right) adjusts the costume for the 2016 “Pageant of the Masters” performance


Finished product of 2016 “Pageant of the Masters”


Mary LaVenture, left center, and Alan Perlmutter, right, help Carl Carter, center, get into his costume to play the part of a statue of Frederick Douglass during a dress rehearsal of the production, The Pursuit of Happiness, at the Pageant of Masters in Laguna Beach, California


Check out Mary’s “EnhancementsCostumes” shop on to see the many wonderful things she sells, including the bustles, crinolines, & other special items we use in construction of our historical garments.