Let’s review fashion eras before pursuing more Queens…

.. we’ve two more key fashion figures in the 1740 to 1914 time period we cover.  We’ll review the ones we know this week, but first – let’s review what the fashion eras are.

It’s important to note there is no EXACT line between eras.  Women were wearing their old clothes into the next eras (watch the movie “Pride and Prejudice” for a fun example of this where the mother wears her 1790’s robe and dresses the girls in the height of Regency).  There were innovators who wore fashion ahead of time.

Historians, and we on this website have lumped them into convenience for description and depiction.

1740 to the end of the 18th Century (or about 1790) is considered “Georgian” (“Colonial” to those in America).  We divide that into early, middle, and late because of changes in understructures and degree of ornamentation.  “Early” is 1740-1760 as shown in the silhouettes.