Let’s look at these Buffalo Gals!

Silhouette’s Buffalo Gals are professional historical interpreters for hire.  To teach women’s history, get visibility, and to show people the quality of our work, we put on a “little show” for the Daughters of the American Revolution in Cody, Wyoming.

MANY shows later, with more pending, the Gals are now recognizable in the region, and gaining momentum across the country.

As we are building new ensembles and scripts over this winter for the spring shows, this is a good time to show you what we’ve been doing.  We’ll take a little breather from fashion history to touch on each Gal’s current interpretation, strengths, and interesting facts.

An interesting note is how disjointed we look when all together.  That’s because authentic costumes intuitively “seem right”, and your brain can’t process 1765 next to 1910.  Unlike theatrical costumes which are designed to make a cohesive visual, or convey a message, these are custom built AUTHENTIC ensembles – which means custom designed, fit, and constructed for INDIVIDUALS.

All their research, sketches, and photos are on our website, but we want to give our new fans an quick summary here to study them as individuals.

We don’t want our audience’s brains to explode.

(Photo: stage layout for the June 9, 2018 show – sound check with Stage Manager/Head Tech Tyler escaping the camera)(Below: Kateri in purple and Sary are caught using “nurse Ellie” as their house maid in the dressing room just before the show.)