It’s time to get back to fashion history…

We’ve studied the French queens like Marie Antoinette in the second half of the 18th century (1700’s).  We’ve VERY thoroughly gone over the Regency era and Napoleon with his empresses Josephine, Marie Louise and sisters and siblings.

We touched on modern French fashion influences through Eugenie and Russia’s in Alexandria.

We found the connection between the many European royals at Eugenie’s goddaughter “Ena” (Eugenie) who was also Queen Victoria’s granddaughter through her youngest daughter Beatrice.

This brings us to Queen Victoria of England herself, and the Victorian fashion era.

Here is the family tree focused on Victoria’s husband Albert, who comes from the Saxe-Coburg line AND!  Current royalty and her corgi.. Victoria’s lineage presently continues in Britain through this woman. (we don’t know if the corgi is of royal lineage too.. but one would assume so as Queen Elizabeth started the corgi thing….)

Also – an interesting aside – the blanket the dog is wrapped in looks like a “trappers” blanket – trading particularly in the Great Lakes region between early trappers and Native Americans included these blankets woven with specific colored lines to indicate their barter value (3 lines = so much ammunition, etc.)  The Brits in history were fascinated with American woodsmen, trappers, (Daniel Boone et al) and later Buffalo Bill and Teddy Roosevelt, and British royalty brought North American Indians to Britain to gawk at them in the early 1900’s.