It was a Really Big Show!

The Silhouettes “Buffalo Gals” presented “What Women Wore”, an historical fashion show on behalf of the Friends of the Powell (WY) Library yesterday.  We packed the house (literally), and had a great time!

Word of the day was “poufs”.. “poufy paniers”, “poufy hair”, “poufs of bosoms squeezed up high in our corsets and stays”.  We got to giggling so hard we almost had to tell ourselves to be quiet.  It was a library, you know…

After time to reflect, we felt a real pride in our country, our state, and the women who helped get us thus far in the Wild West of Wyoming; glad to present their stories and give people a glimpse of the real past.

HUGE THANKS to our dressers in the back room Jenny and Lynnette who pulled “yeoman’s duty” according to the tech crew of Marshall.  BIG BIG thanks to Chuck, Sary, and Ellie who jumped into the fray having never done this before who did all the set up, audience care – clean up and take down plus photos.. looong into the night (all the photos here will be either Sary’s or Ellie’s).  We’ll post them through the week.

And.. a big thanks from Suzi to the Gals who followed instructions and didn’t put their petticoats in the laundry bag.  Now to get ironing – the next show will be even bigger – adding two new gals and some super duper new music as the new character takes us into Irving Berlin territory “God Bless America..”!