Buffalo Gals win…

3rd in the Theme division!  It was one BIG parade!  Here are a few views from our support crew.

Big THANKS to the drivers Tony and Marshall, pull crew Joseph x 2 and Emmett, dressers Jenny and Diane, photographers Matt and Big Brother, tech Kiara…

…Northern Gardens who loaned us the carts… Sary and her brother who made the signs… everyone who got up at 4:30 two days in a row… and..

THE CODY CHAMBER AND CODY CHAMBER VISITOR CENTER AND STAFF who let us overrun their facilities for dressing!

Here are a few photos from several people who grabbed the camera.  Featured is Sary in her – guess which year – ensemble.  She made these gorgeous signs – but – why didn’t the 3 women who have sunbonnets WEAR THEM???



After – Welcome Caitlin who jumped into the previously only mannequin worn 1800 Regency ensemble!