Back to Victorian fashion..

… having waylaid ourselves with Post-Mortem stuff, culture, lifestyle, women’s roles, and other “stuff”.  We will be going through the different Victorian era fashions using – CATS! – yes, cats to describe them.

With the invention of the daguerrotype photo imaging process (a method of using silver on glass slides to process reverse images) in 1839 by a Frenchman, and the common availability of the method by 1861 – some of the first images of “what women really wore” came out of the early Victorian era…

.. and.. those women just had to have their CATS when they sat for that portrait…

(Daguerrotype:  One of the first, this is in a bordello in the 1840’s.  Those early ones seemed to be in bordellos, or of old women/mothers.. is it the (obviously male in the early period) photographers were testing the new technology on the favorite women in their lives..?)