And one more key fashion influencer, Edwardian…

… Alexandria of Russia.  She was THE favorite in America during the Edwardian era because they were buddies with the US president at the time.  She carried “La Belle Epoque” (French Parisian High Fashion) into the “Titanic” eras – along with famous Parisian designers introduced the Princess Line.. the hobble skirt.. and the tango shoes.

After that, World War I entangled all countries, affected all women, and changed fashion forever in a virtual explosion of ideas and innovations.  That’s why we stop depictions at 1914.. on the ledge overlooking a complete change forever.

(Alexandria at the height of her power in 1907 and with the height of her princess waistline. Unfortunately, Alexandria and all the Romanov family would be horrifically executed when Stalin and Lenin took over during the Bolshevik Revolution)