A Grand Show & Perfect Match!

The introductory performance of the “Buffalo Gals” historic interpreters for hire was fun and educational for performers and audience plus all who stuck their head in the door to see what was going on.

Highlights of this fashion show that took place at Buffalo Bill Cody’s Irma Hotel in downtown Cody, Wyoming will post through the next week.  There were many fine things that happened, along with the few snafus  – parasols splitting in half.. hat pins falling out… you know, typical stuff in the life of women – well, if you lived in 1900…

MOST EXCITING!!! – we found the “yan” for our “yin”.. wandering the halls of the Irma that day.. in full historical male gorgeousness was “The Wild Bunch” – the depicters who put on the gunfight show all summer on the street in front of  Cody’s Irma Hotel for the public.

It just seemed so right to be with them, and I think they felt the same, because we all wanted to mix right in and have this picture taken.  (Only in Wyoming…!)

The “Gals” are now working on how to integrate street performance with the Wild Bunch – probably the most historical thing we can do is to bring back the old relationships when “men were men” (in hats) and “women were women” (in corsets).

(Photo: 9 Buffalo Gals in full costume with some of The Wild Bunch who sat down for a photo on the stairs of the historic Irma Hotel after the Gals performed in the fashion show.  The “Bunch” had just finished a marketing photo session for their newly acquired authentic 1900 carriage.  We hope they’ll ask us for a ride some day (we’ll bring the chicken and tablecloths!))