Gee whiz! I don’t know where to begin! The corset is LOVELY. The mail came while I was in the middle of a phone call and I had to hang up because when I opened it up I started to cry. As I’m writing this, I’ve been wearing it for about six hours. It is excessively comfortable! And beautiful, too! I was stunned by how it looked, reminded of those wedding ensembles you see in museums! I’m speechless! My grandmother was surprised too, and unpacked a leather bodied kestner doll that had belonged to HER grandmother to compare my “shape” to. It was wonderful! My family is already sick of me standing leaning forward and straightening my back up like the fashion plates and going “looks bad, right?” And then standing normally to demonstrate that Edwardian corsets are, in fact, NOT the devil’s tool to ruin women’s backs. — RR (still wearing it we think!)