American People & How they Lived at the Time of Fiona’s Character

Location – Vast America
Fiona has selected a character which can be versatile to represent 1866 western America in town, city, established farm community, remote area, fort situation, or very remote such as a mining town or logging camp. A young daughter would be a valuable resource to any family running a farm, boarding house, restaurant, mine, or any other type of business that supported the family.
Because geography, environment, weather, topography affects the access and availability of clothing and communication affects fashion, Fiona’s character will be limited to western rural and farm locations including forts and small towns of the American West in Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana, with some consideration for the Midwestern states such as Michigan which were similarly developed in about the same time frame.
This is because her potential work as an interpreter will be limited to her ability to travel in such states; predominantly the forts and museums of Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska.

Young Women in the West
This character will be at home on wagon, wagon train, with Mormons, sod house, wood frame, log house, farm, ranch, in town, or in wayside inns, boarding houses, train or relay stations. Photos of these many situations where her character will feel “right at home” are below.
Wagon Trains
It took at least 6 months on the Mormon Trail from St. Louis, MO to Salt Lake City, Utah:

Notable Women Pioneers
Women who Homesteaded all alone, and families of literary legend were among those who went West after the Civil War:
The (Laura of “Little House” fame) Ingalls sod house in Kansas

Built as specific places, housed inside someone’s home, or very far from home, education was the responsibility of the local community in the 1860’s-80’s:

Regular people – Variety of Places
From the thriving metropolises of Denver and Colorado Springs, to a muddy street in Montana, people settled close together at the end of the trail:

Regular People – Staying Remote
Innovative and strong, the new Settlers of western United States built homes in every imaginable way from sod dugouts to vast spreads with outbuildings:

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