Shelly and her Fichu..

.. of the 1790 Round Robe, were happily reunited after repairs.  She’d had some problems with her petticoat wrapping around her twice – oops!  The designer messed up at the build, but we got it fixed.  Let it be said mathematics and particularly trigonometry and algebra are vital to historic …

Melissa Urick

“Farming in 1885 sounds a lot like what we do now.  I just have to be myself.”  Melissa owns a flower farm in Wyoming, so does just select events with “The Gals”, but when she does, she saves the day!  Having worked as an historic interpreter for 18th century Williamsburg, …

Jacinta Schneider

“I’m ready!”  The other half of the sisters Schneider, they couldn’t be more different.  She’s in school to become an anthropologist studying – guess what – fashion history!  She brings knowledge and research to every meeting, and keeps us on our toes to be accurate.  Every historical seamstress needs an …

Kateri Schneider

“I’m eating salad because it fits into my corset better than hamburger.”  Bringing the energy and a one-two punch, sisters Jacinta and Kateri have the drive and ambition to make this business fly.  They’re the kind of people you’d want at your right hand if you went to war, or …

Fiona Buker

“I know I know.  Over the head over the head over the head.”  Fiona is the youngster of the group, and comes along with her mother to events.  She is also the most energetic, and the fastest at getting dressed.  When we first started, she got into a lot of …