For wealthy, noble, and elite Victorian women..

… Victorian fashion required different ensembles for different occasions.  Designer Charles Worth, an Englishman-turned-Parisian-designer, introduced the word “costume” at this time, and Victoria expanded upon the concept for her country. “Costume” meant there was morning and mourning dress, walking dress, town dress, visiting dress, receiving visitors dress, traveling dress, shooting …

Kristi Harder

“This is obviously not about comfort or convenience.”  Our calming “Mom” Gal, Kristi depicts a mail order bride from the east who travels along the Oregon Trail to Wyoming.  She depicts every stage of an historical woman’s life – emigrant, pioneer, settler – mother, daughter, sister, wife… and has a …

Carol Dean

“Thanks for letting me be a part of the event!”  Carol stepped in as narrator for the Buffalo Gals’ fashion show which introduced the group to the public and potential clients.  Having the most difficult ensemble to dress with stays including stomacher, bust, and modesty panel PLUS outer 1765 stomacher …