Please enjoy: Projects we have built & are working on. There are 6 years of research here.
Our Etsy shop is alive and well: SilhouettesCostumes Etsy shop although the “for profit” business was permanently closed and taking no orders effective 2022.

We are focusing on building new ensembles for our educational performance group, “The Buffalo Gals”. Located near Cody, Wyoming, we have great opportunities to teach locals and tourists about women, fashion, and history in the state that boasts of having the first women to vote anywhere in the world,
Silhouettes was built by a seamstress with over 58 years of experience in tailoring, flat pattern, & draped design building garments & costumes for anthropological, interpretive & performance pursuits. Entering its 5th year, the closure of historical sites and events our customers bought costumes for destroyed the financial well being of this privately owned small business, and forced us to close. Continued limitations plus current political and economic distress in the US leading to potential customers having no expendable income to buy from us, forced us to make the tough decision to close and liquidate.
We do have quite a bit staged and ready to build, so some items will be sold in the Etsy shop, and most will go to the new educational program for the Buffalo Gals to perform about women’s professions and occupations in history.

What is it that we do? This video by a professional historic seamstress (VERY similar to Suzi down to the fact she sketches and has a guinea pig!) describes nicely the whole concept of ‘what is an historically accurate costume’? You’ll see stated here that we say a silhouette is the recognizable shape of fashion, and that fashion is a function of what people know about, have access to, can afford.. which is based on culture, technology, location, climate, knowledge, trade, economics, and many other factors.
Customer Projects & Research
The entire website is a culmination of research by Suzi Sellers, and while there are some specific citations and links to sources, since this is 50 years of knowledge, it is in itself a footnoted resource. There are many ensembles that have been built that have yet to be posted so check for new projects and updates.
Buffalo Gals Shows & Interpretive Events!
“The Gals” have been performing in Historic Fashion Shows throughout the region for 5 years now, and completely new ensembles and shows are in development for the end of 2o21 year (in hopes venues will be open again; to date they remain closed) with a plan to focus on real women for small venues of organizations and schools. This will be the focus of Silhouettes rather than building ensembles for customers.
The Gals introductory page is the place to start to see the Gals, their research, and their ensembles if you want to hire for your event or location. There are galleries of past Gal events too.
Answering your Historical Fashion Questions!
We have helped many people from around the world with historical fashion questions such as “tell me about my ancestor from this portrait”, “what is the date of this outfit?”, and “did they have string ties or not on that shift?”. We are very glad to answer these, but please do let us know that you received the response as soon as you can!
Contact Suzi via any form on any page or write: [email protected]