Fashion History Blog 1 Silhouettes Costumes Thu, 08 Oct 2020 05:37:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fashion History Blog 1 32 32 Welcome All! Thu, 08 Oct 2020 05:37:59 +0000 We got a bit behind posting finished projects and blogging, but are back in the saddle and going to catch up.

It was a pleasure meeting you (and you know who you are)!

Stays become corsets… Wed, 05 Aug 2020 03:33:23 +0000 As the Regency era at the turn of the 18th into the 19th century (early 1800’s) was the first time in history fashion basically removed all understructure, there were experiments with materials and methods and techniques aimed to produce the perfect Grecian ideal  form.  There was a long, knitted corset of silk or cotton.

(Photo:  1795-1800 Corset with tab to keep petticoat or robe from falling down from the above waistline position.  This transitional time saw many variations in design including side lacing or ruching like this one.)

The new bustle dress of the early 1880’s… Thu, 15 Aug 2019 04:48:30 +0000 .. with its very fitted bodice had a Princess line meaning it was cut in long panels from top to bottom.  The front overall was much flatter because of the panels.  What drapery there was, went to the front and hung like a tidy apron.

(Photo: extant early 1880’s cuirasse bodice with Princess Line)



The new Bustle Era of 1883… Tue, 13 Aug 2019 06:08:02 +0000  

… All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, in 1883, every woman had to wear a huge, shelf like structure jutting out of her rear end like the back of a horse.

The style had been shown by fashion houses of Paris in 1880 in response to women not liking the Natural Form with it’s long slender and lean (expensive) form.  This new type of bustle was much different that the two earlier bustle (and “non bustle” Natural Form) eras of the 1870’s.  It depended on built structure underneath, which meant the layers and layers of draping and fabric used before, could be dispensed with.

(Sketch left: 1880 French fashion plate; Photo right: how it came out in reality in an afternoon silk taffeta walking dress 1883)


